Standards of Practice
Coaching, Reiki (energy healing) and many other holistic/spiritual practices exist in a highly competitive market; which at the time of writing this, is currently unregulated - meaning anybody can call themselves a coach or healer.
With this in mind, it is important to have standards around what comprises as high quality coaching and energy work whilst ensuring that practitioners are receiving adequate training and maintaining an on-going level of competency.
This is why I choose to be a member of:
The International Coaching Guild (ICG) and The International Institute for Complimentary Therapists (IICT) who formed to set the benchmarks in our industry.
As a member of these governing bodies and to retain my certifications, I must uphold the following codes of conduct:
In addition to this I also have the following qualifications and training:
Working with Children Clearance (Ochre Card)
ASIST Standard Mental Health First Aid Training
Accidental Counsellor Training - Lifeline
Certificate IV in Community Services
Certificate IV in Education Support
Master Practitioner of Coaching -The Coaching Institute (Studying)
Metadynamics 1 - The Coaching Institute
Reiki Level II
Coaching Young People For Success - Facilitator
Fernwood Empower Program - Facilitator
Your Ultimate Self - Program Ambassador
Your safety is paramount. If in the event I am unable to provide adequate support for your needs due to scope of practice, I will assist you with a referral pathway as best as possible.
Should you wish to use my services in conjunction with any medical support you may be already receiving - I do request a clearance letter from your practitioner. This is to ensure we are (all) on the same page and can work together holistically.